Birmingham University warns new students about International Churches of Christ

Birmingham University warns new students about International Churches of Christ

   GUILD OF STUDENTS                              THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM    Dear Student,                         Re: RELIGIOUS SECTS  It is with regret that we welcome you to the University with a word of caution.  We must begin by saying that involvement in religious activities whether current or developing during your time at Birmingham University is welcomed.  However, last year, Birmingham University, in common with other U.K. Universities and Institutions, became the target for unscrupulous and highly dangerous groups.  Their activities are difficult to detect and quite often, on the face of it, seem quite plausible.  One particular active and dangerous group, the Central Church of Christ, can often seem to debate matters which appear more concerned with welfare than religion.  The Guild of Students and the University will, jointly, do their best to monitor and control such activities.  However, much will depend on your vigilance.  Please find enclosed the leaflet from "Tony", as an indicator of how plausible the organisation may seek to be, and further guidance can be gained from the other enclosure.  If you need any further information, and/or wish to report anything suspicious please contact any/all of the following:       1.   Your Hall President      2.   The Chaplains in St. Francis Hall      3.   Tony Flynn (The University Welfare and Accommodation Officer)      4.   The Vice-President (Welfare and Finance) of any Guild Sabbatical             Officer)      5.   Niteline      6.   Student Advice.                                  Yours sincerely                KERRY BRETHERTON                 PROFESSOR MICHAEL THOMPSON        President, Guild of Students                 Vice-Chancellor    September, 1989. 

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