Cult Web Links and Resources: Including the International Church of Christ

Cult information web links

The following links are for information only. We do not necessarily endorse nor support organizations listed. A listing here does not imply that we consider any specific group a cult — but a significant number of critics and members may have labeled it as such.

    NOTE: The Cult Awareness Network (CAN) in the USA has gone into bankruptcy as a result of court action backed by the Church of Scientology. As a result their logo, name and phone number have been sold to a representative of the Church of Scientology. Please ignore any references in these files and links to contacting CAN!


ICC / Boston Movement / Boston Church of Christ / London Church of Christ
Hare Krishna / ISKCON
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Rama (Zen Master Rama)
School of Economic Science
Transcendental Meditation
Unification Church (Moonies)
The Way International
Werner Erhard, est, and the Landmark forum
Worldwide Church of God

Misc resources and general cult information

ICC / International Churches of Christ / Boston Movement



Hare Krishna / ISKCON

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Rama (Zen Master Rama)

School of Economic Science / Practical Philosophy Foundation / School voor Filosofie

Scientology / Dianetics / L Ron Hubbard

Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Unification Church (Moonies)

The Way International

Werner Erhard, est, The Landmark Forum

Worldwide Church of God

Misc Resources and General Cult Information
  • Cult Information Centre
      The Cult Information Centre (CIC) is an educational charity based in London. It is concerned about the use of deceptive and manipulative methods used by cults to recruit and indoctrinate unsuspecting members of society. The CIC believes that these cult methods present a threat to the well-being of the individual and the family. They gather and disseminate accurate information on cults.
  • Triumphing Over London Cults
      Triumphing Over London Cults (TOLC) is a support group of former members of the International Church of Christ (ICC), and families and friends who have loved ones in the cult. TOLC are based in London but work closely with other support groups around the world.
  • Dialog Center International
      The Dialog Center provide detailed information on many religious cults.
  • Cult Awareness and Information Centre – Australia
      The Cult Awareness and Information Centre (CAIC) provides valuable information about a number of different groups, as well as useful advice for readers with loved ones in a religious cult.
  • reFOCUS
      reFOCUS (Recovering Former Cultists Support Network) offer resources for people hurt by their involvement with abusive and controlling organizations and relationships.
  • American Family Foundation
      The American Family Foundation (AFF) is the home of articles of interest to family and former members of cults, links to other important resources, as well as abstracts and other information from the Cultic Studies Journal, Young People and Cults, and AFF News.
  • DialogCentre
      DialogCentre is an organisation that specialises in providing professional help for cult victims and their families in the United Kingdom.
  • Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center
      Helping rebuild lives after a negative group or relationship experience since 1986.
  • Ex-cult Archive
      Information and resources on a large number of destructive groups.
  • Resource Center for Freedom of Mind
      Steve Hassan describes how to combat cult mind control.
  • FAIR
      Family Action Information and Resource (FAIR) is a British organisation which helps cult-affected families and provides information for other interested parties.
      European Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Sectarism.
  • The Cult Survivor
      A Canadian newsletter on the cult phenomenon.
  • Dave’s Cults Page
      Information and links about many destructive groups.
  • Chaos in the Order
      Learn the truth about Sangharakshita and the FWBO (Friends of the Western Buddhist Order).
  • Trancenet
      Trancenet have information about many destructive cults.
  • Associations anti-sectaires en Belgique, France, Luxembourg, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, Suisse, Canada
      A French-language page listing anti-cult and support groups in various countries.
  • Cult Encounter
      A book by Helen and Rick Larsen. They tell the story of how Helen was recruited into a group, how she was rescued, and how she, and the family, subsequently recovered.
  • Usenet newsgroup:
      Everything you ever wanted to know about cults but were too afraid to ask.
  • List of cult-related websites from Yahoo

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