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Some of the Jargon used in the International Churches of Christ

    Awesome    Awesome Bro    Awesome Sis    That is Fantastic    Big time    Amazing    It's great    Marvelous    Amen-arooni    Crank Bro    Do not hold back    Preach it    Come on     Stick to the Book - used to end arguments by ultimate appeal                       to Bible ie "don't argue with me go to                       the Bible"    Study it out - similar to "stick to the Book"     Not open - (can be applied to Christians & non Christians)    Get input - seek advice    Blitzing - Evangelising - Fishing    Independent- someone who does not seek advice from the                leadership or discipler    Disciplible - someone who is very keen and willing to learn at                 any cost usually the ones who later become an                 Evangelist or Zone leaders    Bad attitude - normally means "questions the leaders"    Challenge - confront someone on a sin or some nonconformity    Teachable heart - always accepts leader's advice    Open - always accepts leaders advice, teachable or willing to          confess sin    Submission - to accept advice even when you disagree with                your discipler or leader.  If you agree then it's                not submission    Hard hearted - rejects leaders advice    Proud - rejects leaders advice    Marking -to name someone as an agent of Satan.  Members must            not have any contact with a marked person (normally            an exit counsellor or former member)    Shunning - to withdraw approval / affection from a person              who is not conforming    Rebuke - severe reprimand    Trust - ie the Leadership    Fall away - leave the church    Satan can get a foothold - if you have too much worldly contact    Christian - Only members of the Group    World - all those not in the group    Die to self - die to old personality and needs including family                 and friends career    Deny yourself - don't listen to your desires or to your body,                   rather conform to the desires of the leadership  

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