Shocking new letter from Marty Wooten and Cathy Wooten from the Los Angeles International Church of Christ

Shocking new letter from Marty Wooten and Cathy Wooten from the Los Angeles International Church of Christ

Marty Wooten and his wife Cathy, current ICOC members in Los Angeles, explain why the ICOC forced him out of his role as Geographic Sector Leader, a senior position with the ICOC hierarchy.

Marty and Cathy Wooten have published an open letter to all members of the ICOC, “especially to the membership of the Central Region of the Los Angeles International Church and the Northern Federation World Sector”.

The letter details what they describe as the series of events that began to unfold in the Northern Federation World Sector which culminated in they consider to be their wrongful and unscriptural termination in September 2002.

The letter does not make easy reading. TOLC provides a link to the letter for information purposes.

Further reading:An earlier open letter from Marty Wooten

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