LETTERS: Bible Thumping in Boston
TIME Magazine, 8 June 1992.
THE ARTICLE ON THE CONTROVERSIAL Boston Church of Christ ((RELIGION, May 18)), while making a number of good points, did not address this key area: the recruiting practices (called ”evangelism” in the article) are successful primarily because deception is used: a potential recruit is not told he or she is being recruited but that a friendship is being built. The ”friendship,” however, is contingent upon the recruit’s joining the group. If the person does not join, the relationship is at least cooled and, at most, stopped altogether. The friendship technique is successful with people at points of emotional vulnerability: college students, those new in town, people in transitions of one sort or another and the lonely. Genuine Christianity does not need deception to work and grow. The Boston Church of Christ and its affiliates seem to.
Jeff Davis, Editor
Thresholds Newsletter: A Publication for Ex-members of the Boston Church of Christ
Chelmsford, Mass.
FINALLY, THANKS TO TIME, KIP MCKEAN and the current leaders of the Boston Movement have succeeded in their long-sought-after desire to gain international exposure. Now the lid is off Pandora’s box. Tens of thousands of voices of devastated lives have been heard, their hopes released, perhaps even listened to, by McKean. Maybe he will now respond openly and restore the movement to it’s original vision and integrity.
Erol Dogan
MCKEAN IS A MAN WITH FAULTS AND weaknesses like everyone else. His leadership is worth following only when it is backed up by the Bible. The Church of Christ teaches obedience to the Bible and thus to God. This is a radical and uncomfortable concept in our ”do it my way” world. But the result can be interracial harmony throughout global congregations. People from all levels of economic, educational and cultural backgrounds are coming together and learning to get along.
Eunice Lin
New York City
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