Books about the International Churches of Christ
and other destructive cults
We recommend that you DO NOT send the book to the cult member or tell him or her that you are reading it. If you do at this stage it usually makes the group even more fearful and distrusting.
You can read more about the “Do’s and Don’ts” here.
List of recommended books
by Steven Hassan.
(ISBN: 0892813113)
“A good book to start if a relative or friend joins a cult. The book not only explains the mechanisms used by these groups, but it also tells good questions to ask as a ‘spiritual consumer'”
– Tilman Hausherr, Berlin, Germany.
“Well worth reading, particularly by professionals involved with students”
– The Lancet, Journal of the British Medical Association.
“Remarkably useful and important” – Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Chairman, Dept of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine.
by Steven Hassan.
(ISBN: 0967068800)
From the author of “Combatting Cult Mind Control”
by Margaret Thaler Singer, Janja Lalich (Contributor), Robert Jay Lifton.
(ISBN: 0787902667)
by Marcia Rudin.
(ISBN: 0931337070)
The Boston Movement : critical perspectives on the International Churches of Christ
by Carol Giambalvo & Herbert Rosedale (Editors).
(ISBN: 0931337089)
by Carol Giambalvo.
(ISBN: 0931337054)
by Michael D. Langone (Editor).
(ISBN: 0393313212)
by Joan Carol Ross, Michael D. Langone.
(ISBN: 0818405112)
by Mary Alice Chrnalogar.
(ISBN: 0964958805)
by Joe Franklin.
by Joe Franklin.
by Joe Franklin.