Campuses ban alleged church cult

Campuses ban alleged church cult

The Boston Globe, February 23 2001
By Michael Paulson

Kicked off Boston campuses a decade ago for allegedly cult-like tactics such as telling students that their parents are devils, the Boston Church of Christ is reemerging on campuses in Central Massachusetts.

The College of the Holy Cross acted on Wednesday to ban the group from campus, the first time any religious organization has been denied a chance to organize at the Worcester school.

In a campus-wide e-mail, Holy Cross chaplain Katherine M. McElaney said the group employs “spiritual and psychological abuse,” and said that “neither the Boston Church of Christ nor any of its affiliates is free to meet, organize, or proselytize at the College of the Holy Cross.”

College officials in Worcester said that the group also appears to have approached students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Clark University, Worcester State College, and Quinsigamond Community College.

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